Saturday, August 4, 2012

Fri, 8/3

After this blog post, I'll be all caught up. Today, I had to have another chest X-ray, bc I'm having surgery...every person having surgery gets an X-ray. The X-ray wasn't bad. The surgeon decided he wanted a 3D TEE done, so we did that. It was the same as the one I had on Wed, all I remember is the nasty spray and Lidocaine. The doctor was very pleased with the results, bc it told him that there is nothing else wrong with my heart, only the mitral valve leak and ASD...ha, only...I had some visitors today. My 2 dads (my stepdad and bio dad) (they are awesome and they get along really well), my husband and kids of course!!!!, my aunt Jennifer, my friend Ashley, and I think that's about it! I have such support coming from everywhere, and I'm so grateful for it. This evening was my kids' open house at school. I didn't get to go, and it felt like crap! I never miss out on those things. But...this surgery is so that I never miss another one. They came up afterwards to tell me who their teachers are, what friends they saw, and everything else. Tonight, after everyone left, I was feeling bad. I am scared, and I'm allowed to cry. However, I am not allowed to give up. I have to be strong for my husband and children. My husband and I were texting tonight around 11ish, and I told him how scared I am. I woke up at 2am, with the best text message from him that I've ever received. I'm totally not sharing on here :) Til tomorrow...

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