it's my 2 year anniversary of my surgery!! It's kinda hard to believe. I've had some obstacles along the way, but I'm so much better than I was before surgery (when I didn't know I had a problem).
Recent problems have been: swelling and pain...sometimes, I have random swelling. It comes on at weird times. It's not because I eat a lot of salt. It doesn't have a pattern, at least, not that I'm aware of. Pain-I'm going to have pain for a while, on and off...I think I may have strained my chest somehow because of getting carts at work. It's my fault, I suppose. I need to let someone else get them sometime...I'll try it tomorrow :)
Anyway, I did go to the outpatient clinic the other day for a scan on my legs. Dr. Lane wanted me to get a venous reflux study done, which is fancy wording for "ultrasound on my legs"...she wanted to see if there's a venous insufficiency. I didn't get results right then (naturally), but I have go see her on August 19th. I think I also have my annual-not so annual-echo. It was supposed to be annual, but with my last one, since she saw mitral valve regurgitation again, I had to go only 8 months. So, I think I will know that day if I'm going to have to have it sooner or later. I'm trying to not let it get to me. I really don't want another surgery, less invasive or not. I don't have much time to devote 2 weeks to surgery and recovery.
Exercise is going well. I could do more, I admit, but I am working on it. I'll get there. Well, I've gotta get some sleep. I have to be up early to workout and get everyone ready for school and work. It's hard to believe I have 5th and 3rd graders. They're growing up!!
I will update once I've had my appointment with Dr. Lane on the 19th. Wish me luck, and keep me in your prayers please! I'll pray for y'all too!
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