Friday, August 23, 2013

CMN meeting today...

I know that has nothing to do with my heart, but I like to share what's going on...we are entering our fall campaign for the Children's Miracle Network.  It starts Sept 4th.  I get excited for CMN, it's one of the main charities I love to campaign for.  Our store was #1 in our district.  So I'm hoping we can do it again.  This time, I want to have a dress down weekend, put our umbrellas back up for the Pennies from Heaven, and see what else I can come up with.  Any suggestions??  , haha...

I will keep this blog updated on the campaign, wish us luck!

My heart is doing ok, so that's great right?!  I haven't heard back from Dr. Lane about the blood work, so I'm guessing that's a good sign.

Monday, August 5, 2013

My appt...

It went pretty well.  Dr. Lane said that my heart sounds great!  I have to go have some labs done (which I'll probably do Thurs), bc my last set of labs concluded that my thyroid levels were low.  So we will retest and see if they've come up.  If not, guess what…more medication.  It could be the cause of my fatigue.  Who knows?

I asked about whether or not I should continue with the baby aspirin, and she said it's not 100% necessary, but it won't hurt.  I asked about the vision loss thing, and she said it's not true.  So I was misinformed.  She said that it's a good idea to take them bc it will prevent blood clots.  Dr. Lane said that she and her colleagues always talk about my case bc of how rare and interesting it is.  Rare bc of my age, I suppose.  Ha-also, she asked if we are through having kids, and I said yes.  She said that she thought we were, but wanted to let me know (just in case) that if we wanted to have more, I'm very healthy and would be ok.  I would be high risk (I was with both babies anyway), but that if my heart can handle having 2 babies pre-heart surgery, then I would be ok if there was ever a next time.  I guess it's good to know, bc I am often asked if we're having any more babies.

I have to go in October to have an echo done, just for precautions.  I'll have it then bc my last one was a year ago Oct…makes sense.  After the echo, I'll see her to discuss the results, and if all goes well, I will only have to see her once a year.  YAY!

Oh, also, remember when I had the life vest on?  Of course y'all do…I complained about it often!  Anyway, the insurance company had approved it, sent me a letter stating so, and then months later, sent another letter denying the claim.  So I appealed it, esp since I had the approval letter.  They denied my appeal.  Dr. Lane's nurse printed out all of my records for the 2 weeks I was in the hospital, and during that process, they decided to pay for it.  Anyway, today, she gave me the records.  A LOT!

AND…I have copies of all my EKGs that I had from day 1 through the end of my hospital stay.  I think I may scan them and post them…just not now.  It's amazing, though…I was looking through them all, and the difference is crazy!  Seriously, it's like I was going through multiple patients' records and comparing them.  Just like when my fave nurse Ana let me listen to my heart before surgery-the differences bw my unhealthy heart and healthy heart auscultations were unreal.

My blood pressure today was 111/66.  Dr. Lane said that she is very pleased with my blood pressure; that she has been this whole time.  At least I have that on my side :)

Well, any more news and I'll update!

Right now, I'm basically doing a happy dance in my head.  It kinda looks like this:

Bing images

Yep…that's me…haha!

Doctor's appt today...

I'm not sure what to expect, since I haven't seen her in a while, but I do have questions in my mind to ask her.  Such as:

1. Do I have to take baby aspirin for the rest of my life?  We talked about this before, and she had said 'yes', but I need to know what the pros and cons are.  One thing I know, is that taking aspirin, including baby aspirin, for extended periods of time, can cause vision loss.  No-freaking-thank you.  Sigh............

2. What are these weird, sometimes painful, sometimes just pressure-y feelings, I get in my left shoulder, chest, etc?  I know signs of a heart attack, I know that the list isn't etched in stone, but I'm tired of worrying if it's for no reason.  And of course, if there is a reason, I need to know.  

3. How far can I push myself?  I want to workout extremely hard (er).  I want to be super healthy, but I don't want to die doing it.  And if I'm in a class, I definitely don't want to die in front of strangers.  Yes, I know that's weird to say, but it's definitely crossed my mind a time or two...or ten...

4. Heavy lifting?  What's safe?  I'm pretty weak anyway, so it's not like I'm going to bench press like a linebacker, but when I'm working, I try not to lift heavy items.  It kinda goes back to the not wanting to die in public feelings.  Plus, I need to give some of my coworkers reassurance, bc they won't let me do anything strenuous.
So, it's not too much, but it's a start.  I wish I could pull up some more questions, bc I always think of them after the appt is over.  That will suck...what also sucks?  The dang $65 copay...I'm so gonna milk this appt.  Ha!

I will update after my appt.  It's at 8am, so I'd better get to sleep.  Later.