Along with my 9 month post-surgery anniversary, I had to make an appointment with my heart surgeon for tomorrow. I'm not sure what happened, but he has to check my incision site. I would imagine that it's unheard of so long after surgery, but I may have an infection or something. About 2 weeks ago, I was bitten by a stupid mosquito on my chest. It's just a regular bite that's almost gone, so I'm sure that's not the reason for the issue. But what is going on is, that the top part of my zipper scar has been bleeding a little. Mostly, what is bothering me is the pain. It sounds weird, but I feel like my skin is being stretched and something is poking through. I called my doctor this morning, and the nurse thinks one of my sutures is poking out. What?!?! I still have sutures? She didn't say anything else but that I should come in tomorrow to let him look at it.
I'm not looking forward to it, but we have to find out what's going on...I'll update tomorrow...